Medical tourism: India's new tool to cause heartburn in US
Sujata Dutta Sachdeva
[ Sunday, December 25, 2005 01:05:37 amTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]
Outsourcing is not the only reason why Americans are unhappy with India. Medical tourism seems to be giving them a heartburn too.
And in order to stem this outflow, American hospitals are going in for aggressive marketing strategies and making patients aware about safety and insurance issues.
Anything to save their turf. Richard Merli, managing editor, Health Care Insider, KPMG, recently wrote in his weekly health analysis: "American hospitals may dismiss those patients as low or middle-income consumers who lack health insurance and might not get the procedure done in the US.
But industry observers say that the exotic locales and prospect of a vacation is attracting many wealthy patients to have elective surgeries done abroad." Last year alone, around 1.5 lakh medical tourists visited India
For more details visit: Medical tourism: India's new tool to cause heartburn in US